
ngeposting pake bhs inggris ah

first time I write this blog in the English language, do not get is why, just want it again. same study for tomorrow just days ahead Tuesday for a presentation before the class an introduction to economic subjects.

congratulations for the MOP april celebrate. but for me april MOP is a day where I can have fun with friends. begini storynya.

time day Tuesday at precisely 7 am I arrived on campus with the half-nod and dehydration due to less drinking in the kost. sesampainya time right on campus at 7 showed 5 more minutes. but all my friends do not see the incoming class. I asked him at one of the friend.
"Why not go, my friend replied," we all agree to tempt lecturers english. "Wow that is a mad idea that I find while in the study.

participate only deh plan can make all of us will be in the DO (just kidding). after the show at 07:30 we were entering the bergerombol.

"april MOP "we all cried out while opening the door. what you know.
my dosen doesnt teach this day . waaw.....

PS : yang dicetak tebak tuh aye gak tau arti bhs inggrisnya.

april mop yang aneh, udahan deh bhs inggrisnya, lama lama mikir bisa ancur nih otak...hehehehe....

buat simanis jembatan ambruk (my dear entut basin) :) . aye tuh kangen banget sama ente. ente kok semakin cuek ma aye belakangan ini. dasar mahasiswi ITS. thx dah kerumah kemaren pagi, (walaupun aye harus nunggu ampe 2 jam) hehehehe....
tapi tenang. perasaan aye sekarang udah kayak seperti kepompong. merubah ulat menjadi kedondong rasanya enak. heheheh.
kenapa kedondong? banyak banget yang bisa dijelasin dari kedondong. rasanya enak tapi rede kecut, trus kadang kerasa asin gitu (lantaran abis kena upil), trus selain enak bisa buat sakit di lidah, n many more, ah apaan sih......

tambah gila kalu terus terusan kayak gini, plese dont pernah ngehe in aku.


Forumkumpul on April 10, 2009 at 11:26 PM said...

gw nyoblos lho...heheh

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